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Atlanta’s Best Pet Sitters, United.

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We are happy that you are here!

For Paws Only

We are your dedicated pup walkers, friends of felines, poop scoopers, belly rubbers & fur-covered pet lovers.

Two happy dogs on a walk
Woman with dog

For Paws Only provides pet care services in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area.

Our team of animal lovers' offers the following services:

Dog Walking Icon
Dog Walking
(Monday thru Friday)
Cat Sitting Icon
Cat Sitting
Dog Sitting Icon
Dog Sitting
House Check Icon
House visits while you are away, even if you have no pets
Pet Taxi Icon
Local pet transportation to Vet offices or grooming services


Carla Testimonial


In my opinion, For Paws Only is the best pet care team in Atlanta!
My two French Bulldogs can’t get to the door fast enough when their mid-day walker comes by! When we go out of town they come home exhausted from
playing at puppy camp.

Amanda Testimonial


Tyrion is temperamental and doesn't like a lot of people, but he is overjoyed when he recognizes he's going to see Aunt Becca. He's anxious by nature but has never been anxious at For Paws Only. 

Amy Testimonial


Over the past five years, Becca and her team have taken amazing care of our aging (now deceased) Boston Terrier, fun-loving Bernese/Aussie mix from around one year of age, and large ‘mini’ Aussie from when he was a puppy.


Our dogs LOVE Becca and her team!

Serving pets and their families in the following neighborhoods

Map of service area

Fur your information!

Thanks for subscribing!

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